Brand Asset Library - User Oriented Restructure with Dunnhuby

  • The internal brand asset library was accessed by many types of users, and was not organized in a way that was intuitive. At the beginning of the pandemic, freelancers were being hired to assist with overhead workload. These freelancers were having difficulty navigating the library.

A personalized approach within rigid confines

Evaluate freelancer performance through interviews and moderated usability studies focused on predetermined user tasks.

  • Determine the value of the library by tracking user activity on the library against key performance indicators.

  • Conduct heuristic evaluations of the library at key points along the lifecycle of its improvement.

The Return on Investment (ROI) Strategy

Our strategy is to focus on KPIs that will return a few different pieces of information that are dictated by the information we learn from our personas.

  1. We want to know whether or not user's in Brand Box are successfully completing their task.

  2. We want to know how many people are accessing the site. How many are new user's? How many are repeat user's?

  3. We want to understand if our user's are completing their tasks efficiently.

We decided to focus on three Key Performance Indicators

Our strategy is to focus on KPIs that will return a few different pieces of information that are dictated by the information we learn from our personas.

Drop-off/Bounce Rate: This will determine how many people left BB before completing their task.

Conversion Rate: This KPI will track how many users visit BB and stay to conduct business, as well as monitor repeat users, indicating BB's growing role as a consistent tool.

Single Usability Metric (SUM): This will help us track errors against task completion time, revealing whether users complete tasks efficiently. We can also analyze these metrics for any concerning repetitive patterns.

As we move into future iterations of BB improvements, we continue to analyze these KPIs to determine improvements in user performance, as well as enabling the department to communicate the very valuable return on investment.

Continued improvements & future iterations

  • As the data continues to be collected and analyzed from our KPI’s, the team will continue to review this data, aligning with changing business needs and ensuring he interface continues to improve its efficiency scores.

  • While KPI oriented data is gathered the team will continue working with internal & external users to define problem areas and pain points in the interface that will in turn dictate future iterations and acceptance criteria.

Accidental discoveries

To visualize the project timeline and synchronize its interdependent elements, I created a dynamic map that served as a living document, capable of tracking extensive information. The UX Department continued to use this as a guideline for many of their future applicable projects.

Explore the details of the UX/KPI Project Timeline Visualization here.